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Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Men are selfish, women are stupid.

The other day, I was drinking beer with a friend at some pub and we got to talking, as guys drinking beer are wont to do. We started talking about women, for some reason, and he was telling me that his ex-girlfriend used to tell him, "it's not always about you, Daniel," whenever they had an argument.

He, of course, would be thinking in his head, "Duh, of course it's about me. Who else could it be about?"

This started a whole discussion about the differences between men and women, and we think we've uncovered the reason why men and women fight so much. See, it's a matter of perception. We men think of ourselves as the stars of our show. Sure, we can have supporting actors, but in the end, the show is still about us. It's true, even my best of friends are merely supporting actors in the show of my life. It's always about me in the end.

Women, on the other hand, see themselves as being in some stupid romantic comedy, where there are two equally important co-stars. To a woman, it's always about "us". What is that? There is no "us". There is only "you" and "I".

You see, I think the difference is in the books we read. If my life were a story, it would be a heroic fantasy, with the hero (me) striving to overcome impossible odds in the pursuit of whatever he's pursuing. Occasionally, other people appear in the story to provide the background and to help him along when he needs it. Women, on the other hand, think in terms of romance novels. There's always her and this god who will sweep her off her feet.

Ever notice how the male lead in a romance novel is always all but invincible? That explains another thing about women. They tend to put their lovers on a pedestal. That's why even if their closest friends tell them that they're dating a pig, they'd worship their lover anyway. That's another thing. Ever notice how the heroine's female confidants are only important to the story before the hero shows up? This explains why most girls don't really have friends as well. It's always about the men. Jeez, you people are stupid.

Men are the most selfish creatures on the planet. Any relationship between a woman and a man is almost certainly doomed to failure. I mean, come on, how many people have you dated whom you haven't broken up with yet? At most one, right? See? This is what you desert your friends for? Come on. Stop reading those romance novels, for chrissake.
It could be more than one, especially if you're mormon
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Jess: For being observant enough to spot the similarity between Lewdites and Luddites. You rock, babe. (1)
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