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Sunday, May 02, 2004
Your friends hate you. I hate my friends.

The previous post was an idiot test. For those of you anonymous assholes who tagged my board, fuck you. Who the fuck are you guys? Who the fuck are you to tell me that my blog is the worst in the world? My blog kicks your ass. If you're not happy about that, hey, kiss my ass. Fuck off and die, you fucking morons. I'm glad that none of my friends, despite being the overall dumb fucks that they are, actually asked me this question. "What happened, Adrian? Are you ok?"

I'd have totally dissed anyone who did that. No, actually I'd probably have plucked off his fingernails one by one just for being a total dumbass. Someone like that doesn't even deserve to be my bootlicker. What is friendship, anyway? It's merely two people who both require something from the other. For those dumb fucks amongst you who are saying that you love your friends for who they are, would you still be friends if they slept with your boyfriend/girlfriend? If you don't have one, what the fuck are you doing on the internet instead of looking for someone to fuck, you pathetic cumwad? Get the fuck off my blog and don't come back until someone fucks you.

Yes, as I was saying before I rudely interrupted myself, friendship only exists because of need. So to all my friends, fuck you all. I know what you're all up to. I can see it in your beady little eyes, people. I'm watching your every move, so you'd better not try it. You all make me sick because you're such materialistic motherfuckers, each and every one of you. You're all out to get me because everyone wants a shot at the champion. Friendship? Pah, you guys don't fool me for one second with your infantile emotional ploys designed to put me off my guard. You're all trying to pull me down, you despicable scum, and don't you think I don't know it. Guess what? I'm too smart not to see through your pathetically obvious wiles, you fucktards.

Some of you might think I'm paranoid for not trusting anyone and suspecting even those closest to me of having ulterior motives. Well, here's a little nugget of truth for you. It's the same for you too, retards! Look closely at those people around you who are nice to you. Why the fuck do you think they're there? Because you're so desirable, charming and witty? Give me a motherfucking break, you morons. You're a repulsive piece of nausea-inducing smelly shit. Look into the fucking mirror. Why do you think they go out of their way to help you? Because you fucking deserve it? You fucking deserve diddly squat, you pinhead. Come the fuck on. Why would anyone at all be nice to your worthless carcass unless they have something to profit from it? The fucking answer should be obvious to even an idiot of your magnitude. There is no reason at all. The only reason people are nice to you is because they figure that they might profit from it someday. That's the damned truth.

Why are people like that? Why is the world like that? It's because the world is fucked up and people are selfish idiots. They are selfish because they really only care for themselves and they are idiots because they manage to convince themselves otherwise. Almost everyone is under the delusion that they aren't selfish and that they do stuff for altruistic reasons. Almost everyone is under the delusion that there are people who are nice to them without thought of reward. What a bunch of dumb fuckers. I am the only Enlightened One on this planet who knows otherwise, and I am here to spread the fucking light of enlightenment amongst you poor, benighted slugs. Slowly, I will force-feed you morons with the truth, hammering it into your numbskulls without any regard for the pain it causes you, so that your eyes may be opened and you may perceive this world, your friends and yourselves as they really are: totally fucked up.

I can already hear some of you asking, "Great One, while we appreciate your desire to spread your knowledge to us morons, why would you desire to do so?" Well, humble reader, it sure as hell isn't out of any altruistic urge that I would do this thing. I do it, like everyone else who has ever done anything in this world, for myself. There are a couple of reasons why I would do this. First and foremost, I like to see people suffer. Seeing the look of anguish in your eyes when you finally realise that you're really, irrevocably and unavoidably alone in this fucked up world gives me a thrill of pleasure almost akin to an orgasm. Yes! Scream for me, you puny mortals. Secondly, I'm fucking sick and tired of all the namby pamby bullshit I see around me wherever I go. All the ads that promote family values and other assorted idiocies. Give me a motherfucking break. Family values? In this fucking day and age? Here's a fucking news flash for all of you. Your parents hate you as much as, if not more than, you hate them. The only reason they're sticking around is the same reason why you will later stick around the litter of squalling brats you will eventually spawn. Congenital stupidity. Consider that as an additional titbit of truth thrown in with the rest out of the generosity of my black, shrivelled heart. I'm sick of all those silly little friendship websites or blogs put up by people saying how much they love this or that person. What the fuck is wrong with them? Who fucking cares?

People make me sick.
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Winners of Adrian Coolness Points:

The Feisty Bitch: For reasons best known to ourselves. (1)
The Feisty Bitch: For getting featured on the Sunday Times (2)
Adri: For being geeky enough to write recursive prose. (1)
Sheena: For really, really liking my blog. (1)
Sheena: For the use of her finger. (2)
Sheena: For getting on the Straits Times. (3)
Ivan: For referring to me as one of "Singapore's leading bloggers". (1)
Ivan: For coming up with the PubicLicezilla idea. (2)
The Big Fuck: For being such a big fuck. (1)
The Big Fuck: For making the miniature Badge of Lewdness. (2)
Anonymous fan: For making a cool finger. (1)
Celly: For appreciating the genius behind the Pagan Bible here. (1)
Icebreeze: For being wise enough to flatter me. (1)
Barffie: For furthering the LEWD cause by appearing in the papers. (1)
Blinkymummy: For furthering the LEWD cause by appearing in TWO papers within the space of two days, fuckin' A! (2)
Jess: For being observant enough to spot the similarity between Lewdites and Luddites. You rock, babe. (1)
Jiameei: For being my champion against anonymous hecklers. (1)

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