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Monday, April 19, 2004
The Second Coming of Lyley The Whiney

Well, Lyley the whiney has replied.

"hrmm... how did you know my age anyway? wait: you actually went through my archives because the only time i mentioned it was in my first post."

Actually, I did not go through them. I did the smart thing and went to the earliest one because that's where all the unoriginal people give self-intros. And I looked up your age only because you called me a kid. Also, you mentioned it in more than one post. I know that because you were interesting enough to warrant me reading more than one post. Consider that a compliment.

"i got your address via blogger - the recently updated blogs area.

oh - and i'm not a moron (although sometimes i think i'm insane, which i probably am, but that's not the point). but of course i'd be wasting my time if i try to make you think otherwise so i won't.

and i do tend to whine a lot. it's my thing.

have a nice day."

Well, just as being whiney is your schtick, being abrasive on my blog is mine. It's all in the name of good, clean fun, dude. You don't seriously think that my friends would stick around if I called them idiots and meant it, do you? Actually, they probably would because they're a bunch of spineless assholes who would be nothing without me. Anyway, you called me a "poor [sic] kid" without even knowing my age, so I called you a moron. One good turn deserves another, see?

"two other things:

1. in all probability my mental age is a match for yours."

Dude, you're 17. People know fuck all at 17. You'll agree with me when you're 25 (hint).

"2. yes, you may link me."

Why, thank you. By the way, if you read my blog, you have to be a masochist and be able to shrug off such things as being called a moron, idiot or retard. I fuck everybody up, regardless of race, language, religion or their relationship with me.
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To Those Who Wish To Link Me:

Due to the fact that my ego is a humongous, bloated monstrousity, it is not highly unlikely that I wouldn't say no to your linking my blog, so there is no need to ask me.

Winners of Adrian Coolness Points:

The Feisty Bitch: For reasons best known to ourselves. (1)
The Feisty Bitch: For getting featured on the Sunday Times (2)
Adri: For being geeky enough to write recursive prose. (1)
Sheena: For really, really liking my blog. (1)
Sheena: For the use of her finger. (2)
Sheena: For getting on the Straits Times. (3)
Ivan: For referring to me as one of "Singapore's leading bloggers". (1)
Ivan: For coming up with the PubicLicezilla idea. (2)
The Big Fuck: For being such a big fuck. (1)
The Big Fuck: For making the miniature Badge of Lewdness. (2)
Anonymous fan: For making a cool finger. (1)
Celly: For appreciating the genius behind the Pagan Bible here. (1)
Icebreeze: For being wise enough to flatter me. (1)
Barffie: For furthering the LEWD cause by appearing in the papers. (1)
Blinkymummy: For furthering the LEWD cause by appearing in TWO papers within the space of two days, fuckin' A! (2)
Jess: For being observant enough to spot the similarity between Lewdites and Luddites. You rock, babe. (1)
Jiameei: For being my champion against anonymous hecklers. (1)

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