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Sunday, February 05, 2006
I stomp on your sacred fucking cows. Or crocs.

So my brother was telling me about this show he saw on the National Geographic channel. There was this tribe of people who worshipped crocodiles, and they cut or burnt (forgot which) themselves so that they would have raised ridges of skin on their back when they healed. Just like crocodiles. Being the biggest asshole on the face of this planet, I immediately thought it would be funny if LEWD went there in force, wearing leather boots and carrying leather bags.

We'd point at our shoes and go, "Hey guys, check this out. Your god is my shoe."

I can already hear some members of major religions chuckling at my joke. They really shouldn't. I respect crocodiles way more than I respect most of your gods. Let's face it. The people who wrote your holy books were just as primitive and ignorant as the crocodile worshippers.

In conclusion, everyone should convert to the worship of Me. It's the religion that makes the most sense.
- completely unrelated -
guys, it's 8pm this wednesday. First it's BM, now it's me in a Channel U dating show...LOL.
Watch me make a fool outta myself!
They pour sap or some acid into the cuts so the cuts heal with scarry lumps.

Quite cool actually.

Happy New Year.
lol you are such a jerk
Daniel: I don't think I'll catch it, dude. Firstly, I'm such a geek I haven't watched TV in months. Secondly, you're not a hot babe.

Duff: Happy new year to you too, bro. When we gonna meet up? I want a pool rematch.

Screwy Skeptic: Heheh, one does one's best.
Motherfucker, I'd worship you if you gave me money.
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Winners of Adrian Coolness Points:

The Feisty Bitch: For reasons best known to ourselves. (1)
The Feisty Bitch: For getting featured on the Sunday Times (2)
Adri: For being geeky enough to write recursive prose. (1)
Sheena: For really, really liking my blog. (1)
Sheena: For the use of her finger. (2)
Sheena: For getting on the Straits Times. (3)
Ivan: For referring to me as one of "Singapore's leading bloggers". (1)
Ivan: For coming up with the PubicLicezilla idea. (2)
The Big Fuck: For being such a big fuck. (1)
The Big Fuck: For making the miniature Badge of Lewdness. (2)
Anonymous fan: For making a cool finger. (1)
Celly: For appreciating the genius behind the Pagan Bible here. (1)
Icebreeze: For being wise enough to flatter me. (1)
Barffie: For furthering the LEWD cause by appearing in the papers. (1)
Blinkymummy: For furthering the LEWD cause by appearing in TWO papers within the space of two days, fuckin' A! (2)
Jess: For being observant enough to spot the similarity between Lewdites and Luddites. You rock, babe. (1)
Jiameei: For being my champion against anonymous hecklers. (1)

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