Zero-sum Equations?
I was reading the
feisty bitch's latest post and it got me thinking (told you she's good). See, what she was wondering about in her post was whether there could be win-win situations in arguments, or whether arguments must be zero-sum equations (i.e. for one to win, the other must lose). The following are my words of wisdom concerning the subject. Remember that you heard it here first.
Both parties win when
I finally make
you see what a fucking jackass
you've been and that
I've been right all along.
I win because, well,
I won, and
you win because
you're slightly less of an idiot than
you were.
You win also because when
you acknowledge
my inherent superiority,
I won't have to kill
So there you go, there can be arguments that are not zero-sum equations.
I went to Zouk on Wednesday because my friend was celebrating his birthday. This friend of mine is gay and so were those other friends of his who turned up. I was more or less the only straight guy there. So anyway, when I started dancing, the guy actually said that my dancing is gay. Well! How nice. Gay men generally dance better than straight men, or so the stereotype goes, to the extent that if a straight man like myself dances well, we're often mistaken for gays. So having a faggot saying that I dance like a faggot is a compliment of the highest order. Yes, I am the Lord Of Dance.