New Year Resolution
I just spotted this comment on the Macniverse geek's
"my new year resolution is to not break any resolutions this year. towards that end, i have decided to not make any resolutions. oh, wait… DAMN IT!"
The guy who thought of this must be a fucking genius as well as fucking humorous. Oh, all right, it was me. It just popped into my head. I really impress even me sometimes. I mean, who else can think up such jokes? I honestly don't think any of the people
I know are capable of such wit. Then again, maybe I just have dull friends.
I was just bragging to my admiring - nay,
feisty bitch about the joke (yes, she does let me get away with saying shit like that, because she's really a nice person in spite of being a feisty bitch) and I was wondering if my jokes were getting too obscure for the peons to understand. Being the awesome chick that she is, she told me not to worry, and that "those who dun [sic] get it dun deserve to get a luff [sic]". Yes, even I lose my way sometimes and need to be reminded of the fact that the rest of you idiots don't really matter.